Six-a-side (LSV Arena)

Please complete the details below to sign up for Leigh Sports Village Arena Six-a-Side Leagues

In signing up, you agree to receive emails relating to six-a-side activity at Leigh Sports Village Arena and agree to the terms and conditions and rules and regulations of the league and/or Arena as linked below
Code of Conduct | Rules of Play | Terms & Conditions of Hire

As team captain/secretary I understand that I am responsible for the actions and behaviour of anybody associated with my team. I must make sure the rules of the league are followed by all team members and understand persistent misconduct may result in LSV Co Ltd banning a player or team from the LSV leagues. By subscribing to be a part of LSV leagues you and your team agree to the terms and conditions of the leagues. Please note that this application does not guarantee a league place for your team and you will be contacted in due course by a member of our team.
* indicates required
Please enter date of birth of the team captain
Please ensure all details are entered - Full Name, Address, DOB & Telephone
Please ensure all details are entered - Full Name, Address, DOB & Telephone
Please ensure all details are entered - Full Name, Address, DOB & Telephone
Please ensure all details are entered - Full Name, Address, DOB & Telephone
Please ensure all details are entered - Full Name, Address, DOB & Telephone
Please ensure all details are entered - Full Name, Address, DOB & Telephone
Please ensure all details are entered - Full Name, Address, DOB & Telephone